Tuesday, March 23, 2010



This is about as good as when Tom Green and Drew Barrymore got married. Except the British version. Crazy rich actor at the top of his trade marries crazy smoking hot sexual actress who my have peaked in her trade. Last time Tome Carrier is not existent and divorced and alone banging club rats and the other one is one of the top 10 paid actress in Hollywood. I give it 3 years tops and i think Isla hopefully pulls a Tiger Woods on him or a Jesse James on him and he divorces her for say sleeping with this guy. I wonder if she need a personal ass-istant. I would love to pour barbecue sauce on her and treat he like a Mc Ribb. I would give her a wonderful full 2 minutes of her life than ask her to make me a oreo cookie shake and play xbox with me. A while a go on Vic blog, warmcupofshutthehellup.blogspot.com, He gave his critics choice award to this chick. I admit for a Britt she is hot and likes to get naked and show her nice natural Brest off. She is a top Hit on Mr. Skin.com and is a red head. Red Heads are animals in bed. Some of my best times have been with a certain red head who name we don't mention. 6 years ago a crazy red head changed my life. We did things in places we don't mention. I was a Chemical Romance for about 8 months but one of the best 8 months of my life followed by 2 of the worst years of my life. Yes is was worth it. I measure how much I love some one by how long the pain last afterward. I'm Just messed up in the head like that but I grow a a lot and learn more about myself in the darker times of my life.

Anyways Sasha or Borat or Bruno or who even he is, is comic genius. He lands a hot ass chick with reinforces my belief the hot girls like funny guys. Him also being rich is probably a bonus as well. If you look at it you can be an ugly comedian and achieve wealth, fame and a smoking hot dime piece like Isla. Give me hope my fat ass will date a hot chick on day. I have depth and comedic range some days when I'm not blow up my twitter with emo tweets. People have told me I should do stand up but I'm afraid that if I do and some one boo's me I probably pull a Ron Artest and knock the heckler in the crowd out with a mic stand. The irony is back in the day Vic dressed up as Ali G for Halloween. He was just 2 movies short of landing his dream chick. On the up side He does have a hot wife and 2 awesome kids and a kick ass moto bike. I say he doing OK and nothing a couple of cocktails cant fix. To the ones that got away, dream girls well never bang, beer commercial chicks that are dating 3's when there 10's, and the hipster who broke on a fixie and lives of his low self esteem working 2 jobs girlfriend, this bud light lime is for you.

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